September 14, 2024 3 min read


Fiona Rene is an actor based in Los Angeles. She got her start in the arts through a connection with a great manager, and has since gone on to perform in TrackerLincoln Lawyer and Invisible Hours. When Rene isn’t onscreen, she’s working towards building a nonprofit in her hometown (Grandma’s House), and serves on the board for the Game Academy. Her advice to young artists? “Meditate and get in touch with what YOU think while always being willing to play well with others and hear other opinions. “ Read on to learn more about Fiona Rene and what makes her an Amazing Asian in the Arts! 

Name:  Fiona Rene 

Heritage: Chinese American 

Hometown:  Shawnee, Oklahoma

Current City:  Los Angeles CA

Current project:  Tracker (season 2)

What are some of your favorite credits/projects: 

Lincoln Lawyer and Invisible Hours.

Any advice for young people getting into the arts?

Meditate and get in touch with what YOU think while always being willing to play well with others and hear other opinions. 

How did you get your start?

Finding the right manager who felt like a real business partner and friend. 

Do you have any favorite moments in your career that you'd like to share?

I’ll never forget after an audition early on in my career I sat in the parking lot and cried to my manager for two hours because I felt so insecure about what had just happened. I knew I bombed it, but what I realize now is that I might’ve bombed it for myself because it didn’t go the way I necessarily wanted. The casting department didn’t think I bombed it, and in actuality they thought I was great and brought me back for a different role at another time! Lesson learned: do your best knowing what you want – and then let go of the outcome.

What have you found is the biggest challenge in your career?

Anxiety about what other people think and clear expectations of self and individual roles (not acting roles but instead like coworker, costar, friend, boss, etc.).

Do you have any organizations or non profits you work with you’d like to highlight?

I’m building a nonprofit in my hometown called Grandma’s House, and I’m also on the board of directors for a company called the Game Academy.

Who do you admire?

People who consciously try to balance their own moral values with societal values. 

Do you have any mentors?

My manager Nicole, she’s also a life coach and one of the best people I’ve ever met, and my friend Rob Yescombe, who has always been in my corner.

Did you always want to be in the arts or did you have another path before you got here?

Always, as an actor.

Did you have any interesting “odd jobs” you worked at between gigs to pay the bills?

Dippin Dots, Starbucks barista, special needs students speech therapist, Hot Topic, a sports bar inside of a casino, waitress, movie theater attendant, and as a haunted house actor and attraction manager.

Do you have any side projects you’d like to highlight?

I have a podcast called “Your Radical Being” and I’m currently in pitch meetings for a series based on my life working in haunted houses.

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self?

You can slow down.

What skills did you find to be the most helpful in your career?

Listening, forgiveness, knowing how to enjoy being with people and spending time alone.

What inspires you?

The journey through acceptance. 

If you could name one point in time when everything changed for you, what was it?

When my mother died. 

To find out more on Fiona Rene, please visit her at @fionarene on all social media platforms.


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