The Cre8sian Project was born from an idea I had to create characters who represented strong qualities in women. Determination, Concentration, Motivation, and Education are all important virtues that lead to success, so these characters were created to embody our strengths, open and unashamed. Empowering Asian women in the arts and beyond!
A Determin8sian is unstoppable. Able to navigate everything life has to throw at her with the greatest of ease, she destroys any obstacles in her way and crosses the finish line without breaking a sweat!
A Motiv8sian owns the who, what, where, when, why and ni hao! She always knows exactly what she's doing and why she's doing it, and her fierce desire to get the job done will leave you eating her dust!
A Concentr8sian has a laser-like focus. With the flick of a finger, she can create her own forcefield that deflects all distractions. A fiery meteoroid hurtling towards Earth couldn't break her attention!
An Educ8sian has PhDs for days. She surpasses all search engines and seeks knowledge like a tiger stalking its prey. If you have a question, look for her in the hallowed halls of education. She is the Queen of All Answers!
Empowerment begins on the local level. A portion of the proceeds from each item sold benefits the P.E.A.C. program at East West Players in LA and a scholarship program at Positively Arts in Las Vegas, as well as various other non profits that support the AAPI community!
P.E.A.C. is a residency program that brings the EWP programming to local schools, especially those without other arts-education funding. EWP performers lead a weekly after-school program for 7th graders designed to give students a basic foundation in theatre techniques as well as foster awareness and appreciation of class members’ cultural heritage.
Positively Arts believes every child deserves the right to create their own song, however, not every child can afford to write it. Using the arts to EMPOWER, INSPIRE, EDUCATE and HEAL, Positively Arts offers a variety of programs like Broadway Dreamers, Arts in Action, and Get Launched to give students instruction, performance, and mentorship opportunities throughout the year. Their Anti-Bullying and Empowerment Programs provide the tools, coping mechanisms and positive creative outlets for self-expression through artistic discovery and performance.
Victoria Keum Jee is an actress, writer, musician, and director based in Los Angeles. After realizing her love for performing at an early age, her parents stoked her creativity and encouraged her to pursue music and theatre. But it wasn’t until they took her to see a production ofJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat that she knew she had to pursue acting. After studying Musical Theatre/Vocal Performance at the University of Hartford, her resume now overflows with film credits–including her recent appearance inClone Cops, a sci-fi comedy film! Her advice to young artists? “Try all the new things you can and don't be afraid to fail–it's how you learn and grow!” Read on to learn more aboutVictoria Keum Jee and what makes her an Amazing Asian in the Arts!
The Cre8sian Project is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2024-2025 Cre8sian Project Scholarships!
Syante is a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. Growing up singing in choir inspired her to pick up the guitar in middle school, leading to a full-time music career. After winning Future Youth Records’ songwriting contest, she was able to record her original song alongside Jesse Colin Young, Kenny Aronoff, Laurence Juber, and Jorgen Carlsson. Now, she’s in the process of recording her debut album that she hopes will not only showcase her abilities, but resonate with her audience. When Syante’s not in the studio, she runs the Jubilee Vegan Cafe, providing free vegan meals to combat food insecurity at USC, and works closely with the United University Church. Her advice to young artists? “Be patient, stay consistent, and keep pushing forward.” Read on to learn more about Syante and what makes her an Amazing Asian in the Arts!