June 20, 2020 4 min read


Sierra Puett is a dancer, gymnast, actress, director, and choreographer based out of Los Angeles! Her versatility has allowed her to create in many aspects of the entertainment industry! She has performed in Le Reve in Las Vegas, various music videos and dance shows, and can be seen in the upcoming Netflix film adaptation of “The Prom!” Keep reading to find out more about what makes Sierra an Amazing Asian in the Arts!


Name: Sierra Katina Yoshiko Puett


Heritage: Half Japanese, Greek, Austrian, French, Native American


Hometown: San Diego


Current City: Los Angeles


Current Project: Currently in COVID19 Quarantine, so I’m working on a few personal projects. I wrote a queer short film, am song writing, and getting my certification in hypnotherapy. I also have an American Eagle National Campaign shoot coming up that will be shot in my own home!


Favorite credits/projects:


The Prom (Ryan Murphy Netflix movie), Le Reve the Dream show (Las Vegas), CODEPENDENCY full length dance show (producer, director, choreographer, dancer, stylist), Zolita national tour (dancer and choreographer), “Were You Gay In High School” queer Asian short film (lead actress), Tarantina burlesque show, Noah Cyrus, BANKS, The Kills music videos (dancer).


What are some interesting facts about yourself?


I was born at home, home schooled until high school – mostly because gymnastics took up so much of my time and was my social outlet – and I’m an Aries, so there’s no surprise I like getting my hands dirty in many different outlets and endeavors. Also, both my sister and I are gay, so coming out to my Japanese mother was a “fun” time. She has made strides since we first told her, and now loves having two queer daughters. Go mom!


Advice to the youth getting into the arts:


Always make your passion for your craft be the number one reason you’re doing it. If your joy for the thing you love wavers because of external factors like financial downfall, take a step back and try to remember why you started in the first place. Your art will always be there, so don’t feel like you need to be in it 24/7. You can’t force the feeling, but you also need to know it can be extremely frustrating and takes a lot of hard work being an artist. That is what makes the satisfaction so much greater when you are proud of your work and the feeling it gives during the process.


How did you get your start?


My parents constantly found me at three years old on top of our fridge and climbing on our mulberry tree when I was four, so they thought it would be a good idea to put me in gymnastics. I thrived because I was fearless, adventurous, and disciplined. By age thirteen, I was at an elite level and had to decide whether I wanted to train for the Olympics or collegiate level, or move on to something else. I watched a dance class through a window, and fell in love with the movement and emotion, so I quit gymnastics and started dancing at age fourteen and never looked back!


Who do you admire?


My friends. I’m surrounded by so many incredible artists and they inspire and challenge me every day. When you surround yourself with talented, creative, and ambitious humans who you respect and admire, it creates a spring board and whirl pool to constantly work on your own craft.


What skills did you find most helpful in your career?


Resilience and self-motivation. You have to have tough skin in this industry. You will be told “no” far many more times than “yes.” IF you aren’t resilient, you will fall behind and lose yourself along the way. Self-motivation is so helpful because no one is holding your hand the whole time, so if you’re your own cheerleader, coach, and muse, you will create the path you desire!


What are some goals you hope to achieve?


I want to be well-versed in many different crafts. I want to tend to and invest in a variety of art forms so they can help build and benefit each other. I never want to be satisfied because I know there’s always more room to learn, grow, and achieve. That’s the beauty and frustration of art, you will always continue to create because there is no ultimate end product.


What do you love the most about what you do?


The unpredictability. I love constantly being surprised and discovering something new about myself, my art, my work. Sometimes I feel most myself when I’m acting as someone else. Sometimes dance is the most honest expression that words can’t say. Sometimes writing is more of a release than how my body can move. Sometimes art doesn’t make any sense, yet it’s the only thing in this world that holds untouchable meaning. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.


Anything else you want to share?


I want to help create a platform and voice for women, queers, and Asians to be seen on screen, on stages, in museums, in bookstores, and in life. We are powerful and we are coming out of our silence with ferocity and grace.


To find out more about Sierra, please visit her at:



IG: sierrakatina

YouTube: Sierra Puett



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