August 05, 2023 3 min read


Kelsey Verzotti is an actress based in Toronto, Ontario. As a child, her parents provided her the opportunity to pursue the Arts through singing, piano, and dance. After entering (and placing in the top 10!) in a televised competition searching for the next Dorothy in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Wizard of OZ, Verzotti decided to pursue the Arts professionally by studying Musical Theatre Performance at Sheridan College. Her work includes Life AfterAnne of Green Gables, The AntipodesDivine Interventions, and Gaslight) – and currently, Kelly V. Kelly! When she’s not onstage, Verzotti is a huge supporter of the Canadian Green Alliance, an organization that aims to bring sustainability to the arts industry and those that work in it – and dreams of opening her own talent agency one day. Her advice to young artists? “Your uniqueness is your superpower! … All of the quirks that make you YOU will get you so much farther and keep you way happier. Read on to learn more about Kelsey Verzotti and what makes her an Amazing Asian in the Arts! 

Name:   Kelsey Verzotti

Heritage:   Chinese/Italian

Hometown:   Calgary, Alberta

Current City:   Toronto, Ontario

Current project:   Kelly V. Kelly

What are some of your favorite credits/projects: 

Life After (Musical Stage Co), Anne of Green Gables (Charlottetown Festival), The Antipodes (Coal Mine Theatre), Divine Interventions (Corpus Dance Projects), Gaslight (Vertigo Theatre)

Any advice for young people getting into the arts? 

Your uniqueness is your superpower! It’s so easy to compare and want to sound or look or act like your inspirations, but all of the quirks that make you YOU will get you so much farther and keep you way happier. 

How did you get your start?

My parents supported me through dance, singing and piano lessons. I grew up competing in a lot of singing competitions and festivals, but I always had a specific passion for musical theatre. When I was 17, I entered a TV reality competition looking for the next Dorothy in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Wizard of OZ. I made the Top 10, and from then on, I knew I wanted to pursue theatre as a career.

What have you found is the biggest challenge in your career?

There are many challenges associated with a career in the arts. I’m currently realizing how destabilizing it can be to constantly move homes all the time. I haven’t really lived in one place for longer than three months, and the constant moving really throws me off. I’ve found it important to find ways to build a home inside myself while I continue this nomadic lifestyle.

Do you have any organizations or non profits you work with you’d like to highlight?

I would love to highlight the Canadian Green Alliance, co-founded by Julia McLellan and Tess Benger. They are doing incredible work to bridge the gap between sustainability and theatre by arts organizations and arts workers guidance on how to greenify their practice. 

Who do you admire?

I admire anyone in this industry who is also a parent. I find it hard enough to balance working and taking care of myself, but I am constantly inspired by my friends and cast mates who do it all incredibly while raising children! It gives me hope :) 

If you come from parents who aren’t in the arts, what parts of them do you see in yourself that have helped you succeed in the business?

My parents are very driven and determined. They worked very hard to get where they are in their careers and I think they’ve instilled the same sort of determination in me. 

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self?

“It’s going to be even better than you ever imagined.” 

Where did you study at?

I studied Musical Theatre Performance at Sheridan College. 

What are some goals you hope to achieve?

Someday I would love to open up my own talent agency…. but who knows that dream could change!

To find out more on Kelsey Verzotti, please visit her at:

Instagram:  @kelseeyverzotti 


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